Three Birds Renovations feature TWO klaylifes chandeliers in their latest project!
Lana envisaged not one, but two clay beaded chandeliers in her shiny new 'Santorini' style family home in Sydney. One coastal themed pendant for her office (which she spends a lot of time in!) and the ultimate statement chandelier for her enormous void, which sits above her dining table and opposite the most beautiful staircase we have ever seen.
Check out the spectacular pics and for more information on the styles she chose, see below:
Lana's study
Featuring the klaylife 'Ornate' chandelier (size: medium / colour: seaspray with white belly band).

Lana's dining area:
Featuring the klaylife 'Elongated' chandelier (size: XL / colour: white)

And make sure you watch the video's too: