Made from the Earth. Designed for the World.

klaylife - The home of all things handmade by artisans from around the globe. Best known for our clay bead chandeliers, handmade by a beautiful community in South Africa, we have fast become a hub for 'pieces with purpose' from all corners of the world. Everything we make and source tells a story and most importantly, creates Trade (not Aid) for communities around the world who need the income.

From handmade ceramic lighting, to decor, to jewellery, we hope you find that special piece you've been looking for x

The Story Behind the Chandeliers

Unlike so many products that come off the factory line, ours have a human story. They’re lovingly created by a community of women in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa*.

Drawing on African heritage and craftsmanship, each clay bead is hand rolled using raw clay. They are then sun dried, kiln fired and dip-dyed and in the case of our lights, masterfully strung onto its unique iron frame. This hand made process ensures that no two pieces will ever be the same.

Initially, our clay beaded pieces were crafted by local women whose lives had been impacted by HIV and so desperately needed an income to support their families. Over time, as popularity grew, more and more women with differing circumstances approached us for work. As a result the criteria has been broadened to any local woman who is prepared to put in the effort to create something special.

In 2012, 8 ladies were permanently employed. There are now over 65 dedicated women rolling beads and creating their own masterpiece. More importantly, they’re making a difference to their local community.

Today our chandeliers can be found lighting up some of the most gorgeous homes, hotels, restaurants and reception centres around the world.


Meet the Team

klaylife was founded by Father / Daughter Duo, Phillip + Kerri (South Africans who now reside in Melbourne, Australia). Phillip was ready to retire from his career as a food importer and manufacturer when Kerri, a tired Breakfast Radio Producer talked him into a little project that shouldn't take up much of his time. A few years later, Phillip is working harder than ever managing the warehouse, international logistics and compliance while Kerri is the person you will often chat to on the phone (while she scours the earth for beautiful things).

And lets' not forget about Jenna, our admin / office / production extraordinaire who cracks the whip and keeps everything running smoothly and on time.


Thank you!